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Charles Stross

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Quotes by Charles Stross
 Georgina darts forward, grabs my hand, and pumps it up and down while peering at... - Charles Stross - Quotes Donut
 Humans are just barely intelligent tool users; Darwinian evolutionary selection ... - Charles Stross - Quotes Donut
 There are good ways and bad ways to get my attention. Whacking on my ego with a ... - Charles Stross - Quotes Donut
 Never trust a man who thinks his religion gives him all the answers.... - Charles Stross - Quotes Donut
 I argued for a Kindle but they pointed out that if it could be associated with m... - Charles Stross - Quotes Donut
 The bastard knows I need to know what he knows and he knows I can’t say no.... - Charles Stross - Quotes Donut
 I try not to notice the exploded eyeballs or the ruptured tongue bursting throug... - Charles Stross - Quotes Donut
 They were brilliant, widely read, incisive, and effortlessly effective analysts ... - Charles Stross - Quotes Donut
 the domes and dildos of pressurized buildings cast slowly lengthening shadows.... - Charles Stross - Quotes Donut