Understanding Quotes
 You can't price wisdom 
Wisdom is not for everyone... - Kenneth Chinedu Martins - Quotes Donut
 In space exists a of of precious metals free for extraction and those billionair... - Prezigha Fafi - Quotes Donut
 Every money saved and utilized for consumption leads to great loses.... - Prezigha Fafi - Quotes Donut
 Iron sponges work well on iron pots... - Prezigha Fafi - Quotes Donut
 Better to be called a weakling that loose your tooths in a fight.... - Prezigha Fafi - Quotes Donut
 Many a players the casinos get few a winners the casinos make.... - Prezigha Fafi - Quotes Donut
 Love is acceptance
Love without expectations you will be loved by god always.... - Nirmohi - Quotes Donut
 Lot to write but a single life to describe.... - Nirmohi - Quotes Donut
 Self love is the first step to all other "SELF" outcomes.... - Nirmohi - Quotes Donut