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Vincent C. Ven

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Quotes by Vincent C. Ven
 Behind the virtual could be either true Or fake... - Vincent C. Ven - Quotes Donut
 Just believe in you .... because it is just you from the very beginning... - Vincent C. Ven - Quotes Donut
 There's hope behind the random smile... - Vincent C. Ven - Quotes Donut
 Truth comes with time... - Vincent C. Ven - Quotes Donut
 Being old is to be wise... - Vincent C. Ven - Quotes Donut
 Smile can be faked but true smile give the real satisfaction... - Vincent C. Ven - Quotes Donut
 Being scared is a torment of your own mind... - Vincent C. Ven - Quotes Donut
 The best is you... - Vincent C. Ven - Quotes Donut
 There are wonders beneath the clouds... - Vincent C. Ven - Quotes Donut