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Abraham Joshua Heschel

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Quotes by Abraham Joshua Heschel
 To try to distill the Bible, which is bursting with life, drama, and tension, to... - Abraham Joshua Heschel - Quotes Donut
 Wonder rather than doubt is the root of all knowledge.... - Abraham Joshua Heschel - Quotes Donut
 Wonder rather than doubt is the root of all knowledge.... - Abraham Joshua Heschel - Quotes Donut
 G0d is of no importance unless He is of supreme importance.... - Abraham Joshua Heschel - Quotes Donut
 In our own lives the voice of God speaks slowly, a syllable at a time. Reaching ... - Abraham Joshua Heschel - Quotes Donut
 The Sabbath is the most precious present mankind has received from the treasure ... - Abraham Joshua Heschel - Quotes Donut
 What seems to be a stone is a drama.... - Abraham Joshua Heschel - Quotes Donut
 The primary purpose of prayer is not to make requests. The primary purpose is to... - Abraham Joshua Heschel - Quotes Donut
 Short is the way from need to greed.... - Abraham Joshua Heschel - Quotes Donut