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Anne Rivers Siddons

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Quotes by Anne Rivers Siddons
 Forsythia that I thought had been dozed into oblivion sprang up and misted the f... - Anne Rivers Siddons - Quotes Donut
 But there sometimes comes a moment, a small, silent white explosion of awareness... - Anne Rivers Siddons - Quotes Donut
 ...bathed in the thick honey gold of the sun through encircling trees only just ... - Anne Rivers Siddons - Quotes Donut
 I’ve... - Anne Rivers Siddons - Quotes Donut
 anchor,... - Anne Rivers Siddons - Quotes Donut
 ...heavy satin that fell like spilled syrup...... - Anne Rivers Siddons - Quotes Donut
 winter days, but distantly. Like very old ghosts.... - Anne Rivers Siddons - Quotes Donut
 The sunset over the bay that evening was a conflagration of blood-red and orange... - Anne Rivers Siddons - Quotes Donut
 ...and the afternoon flowed on into lavender evening.... - Anne Rivers Siddons - Quotes Donut