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Areesha Qammar

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Quotes by Areesha Qammar
 "Never despair . By the mercy of the  . 
 Lord, he opens the flower in the   . 
... - Areesha Qammar - Quotes Donut
 "when people leave you alone in distress ,Know That Allah Almighty wants to take... - Areesha Qammar - Quotes Donut
 "everything is possible when you believe"... - Areesha Qammar - Quotes Donut
 "i will be successful in my life Not Immediately But Definitely"... - Areesha Qammar - Quotes Donut
 "Wake Up With Determination Go To Bed With Satisfaction"... - Areesha Qammar - Quotes Donut
 "Don't expect so much from a bird . When they come out they forget their   nest"... - Areesha Qammar - Quotes Donut
 " Desire is not enough good intentions   .  are also essentials for attainning  ... - Areesha Qammar - Quotes Donut
 "Dreams Required effortless sleep but Aims required sleepless effort"   So sleep... - Areesha Qammar - Quotes Donut