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Billy Collins

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Quotes by Billy Collins
 No Time In a rush this weekday morning, I tap the horn as I speed past the cemet... - Billy Collins - Quotes Donut
 It seems only yesterday I used to believe There was nothing under my skin but li... - Billy Collins - Quotes Donut
 There are easier ways of making sense, the connoisseurship of gesture, for examp... - Billy Collins - Quotes Donut
 After counting all the sheep in the world I enumerate the wildebeests, snails, c... - Billy Collins - Quotes Donut
 I can see one of them clearly now, walking along with a newspaper tucked under h... - Billy Collins - Quotes Donut
 though they know in their adult hearts, even as they threaten to banish Timmy to... - Billy Collins - Quotes Donut
 The fly lands on the swatter. The movie runs backwards and catches fire in the p... - Billy Collins - Quotes Donut
 saw him looking up at her and what she was doing the way the eyes of saints are ... - Billy Collins - Quotes Donut
 one burst after another as my wife turned in her sleep. I was a single monkey tr... - Billy Collins - Quotes Donut