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Celest Carrera

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Quotes by Celest Carrera
 The truth really speaks the feelings that we our hiding... - Celest Carrera - Quotes Donut
 We hide our feelings,but we forget that our eyes speak your feelings too...... - Celest Carrera - Quotes Donut
 Love yourself like you would love your mom... - Celest Carrera - Quotes Donut
 Things might change , and your friends might leave but time will change for no o... - Celest Carrera - Quotes Donut
 It's not about spending money , 
it's about spending on what we can only afford... - Celest Carrera - Quotes Donut
 It's not our size that matters  
but the effort 
we put out ...... - Celest Carrera - Quotes Donut