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Christopher Isherwood

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Quotes by Christopher Isherwood
 Here, in their midst, George feels a sort of vertigo. Oh God, what will become o... - Christopher Isherwood - Quotes Donut
 there are some things you don't even know you know, until you're asked.... - Christopher Isherwood - Quotes Donut
 What is one ever doing anywhere?... - Christopher Isherwood - Quotes Donut
 Experience isn't any use. And yet, in quite another way, it might be. If only we... - Christopher Isherwood - Quotes Donut
 I am a camera with its shutter open, quite passive, recording, not thinking. Rec... - Christopher Isherwood - Quotes Donut
 Şeytanları yok ediyorlarsa, polisler melek demektir, öyle değil mi? Eh, akla yat... - Christopher Isherwood - Quotes Donut
 This bright place isn't really a sanctuary. For, ambushed among its bottles and ... - Christopher Isherwood - Quotes Donut
 Fond of bewailing the decadence of the modern world, of denouncing the younger g... - Christopher Isherwood - Quotes Donut
 From his angle, the curtain seems to form itself into a shrouded, wavering figur... - Christopher Isherwood - Quotes Donut