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Coco Chanel

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Quotes by Coco Chanel
 It is always better to be slightly underdressed.... - Coco Chanel - Quotes Donut
 I invented my life by taking for granted that everything I did not like would ha... - Coco Chanel - Quotes Donut
 Elegance is not the prerogative of those who have just escaped from adolescence,... - Coco Chanel - Quotes Donut
 Women must tell men always that they are the strong ones. They are the big, the ... - Coco Chanel - Quotes Donut
 Don't spend time beating on a wall, hoping to transform it into a door.... - Coco Chanel - Quotes Donut
 Elegance is refusal.... - Coco Chanel - Quotes Donut
 Jump out the window if you are the object of passion. Flee it if you feel it. Pa... - Coco Chanel - Quotes Donut