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Goal Digger

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Quotes by Goal Digger
 Failure becomes a part of your life the day it was planted in your head by the p... - Goal Digger - Quotes Donut
 Some people just based your worth on their needs and not on what you're capable ... - Goal Digger - Quotes Donut
 The CONFIDENCE level of your children depends on what you provide them as they g... - Goal Digger - Quotes Donut
 PAIN is a SIGNAL that you have to REPAIR or get RID of something.... - Goal Digger - Quotes Donut
 The truth is nobody wants to know the UNIVERSAL TRUTH but only the truth that wi... - Goal Digger - Quotes Donut
 If you're fun of judging people just be sure you don't have the flaws that will ... - Goal Digger - Quotes Donut
 LIES is like nature it is beautiful to watch from afar but be careful when you g... - Goal Digger - Quotes Donut
 It's better to have no business than to have one with a person whom you can't TR... - Goal Digger - Quotes Donut
 Don't expect for a person to tell you the TRUTH if he belong to a group whose AG... - Goal Digger - Quotes Donut