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Ikue Mori

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Quotes by Ikue Mori
 Come to think of it, the way I play is like a drum machine- very mechanical.... - Ikue Mori - Quotes Donut
 Because it's dance music, you can't really have a lot of changing in the... - Ikue Mori - Quotes Donut
 I got tired of different drum sounds so you buy different effects for more manip... - Ikue Mori - Quotes Donut
 Blood and death. That moves me.... - Ikue Mori - Quotes Donut
 I still think that I'm playing instruments, not just pushing buttons and the... - Ikue Mori - Quotes Donut
 Somebody gave me this drum machine and somebody else asked me to program somethi... - Ikue Mori - Quotes Donut
 So now I don't have time to practice drums. It's been five years since I... - Ikue Mori - Quotes Donut