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Jelyssa Ambah Hall

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Quotes by Jelyssa Ambah Hall
 Some people help you just to have the ability to say ,"If wasn't for me"... - Jelyssa Ambah Hall - Quotes Donut
 People tell you exactly where you stand in their lives you just have to listen t... - Jelyssa Ambah Hall - Quotes Donut
 Some people criticize you for the things you do cause they can't live the lifest... - Jelyssa Ambah Hall - Quotes Donut
 People would defend what they think is right but when they begin to lie and make... - Jelyssa Ambah Hall - Quotes Donut
 ~I bring the  essence you bring the flavor~... - Jelyssa Ambah Hall - Quotes Donut
 We need to know when someone's time has expired in our lives... - Jelyssa Ambah Hall - Quotes Donut
 A relationship is like a job...if you want to keep a job you'll put in the relev... - Jelyssa Ambah Hall - Quotes Donut
 You find yourself nuturinng this flower it every care that you think it... - Jelyssa Ambah Hall - Quotes Donut