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John Lloyd

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Quotes by John Lloyd
 The Dyslexia Research Centre is in Reading.... - John Lloyd - Quotes Donut
 In 1997, 39 people in the UK found themselves in hospital with tea-cosy-related ... - John Lloyd - Quotes Donut
 Viking names included ‘desirous of beer’, ‘squat-wiggle’, ‘lust-hostage’, ‘short... - John Lloyd - Quotes Donut
 A single sperm contains 37.5 MB of DNA information. One ejaculation represents a... - John Lloyd - Quotes Donut
 Camel urine is as thick as syrup.... - John Lloyd - Quotes Donut
 Introducing ‘Lite’ – The new way to spell ‘Light’, but with 20 per cent fewer le... - John Lloyd - Quotes Donut
 As a baby, Oliver Cromwell was abducted by his grandfather’s pet monkey.... - John Lloyd - Quotes Donut
 Бразильский орех, кешью, кокосы, арахис и грецкий орех орехами не являются.... - John Lloyd - Quotes Donut
 In May 2014, the Moon had faster broadband than most of rural Britain.... - John Lloyd - Quotes Donut