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Judge me not

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Quotes by Judge me not
 If I unplugged my mind I would find a book in there. Just waiting for me to talk... - Judge me not - Quotes Donut
 Taking time to drive had the people looking at the car. But they didn't know it ... - Judge me not - Quotes Donut
 The shutters were pushed open and in came the racoons. But the man getting that ... - Judge me not - Quotes Donut
 Long ago they stole my dancing shoes cut my hair. And made me go through bunch o... - Judge me not - Quotes Donut
 I grab the pillow as I scream into it being treated unhappy. There blues was thr... - Judge me not - Quotes Donut
 That lady grabs her bags and jumps in the car. An hits the road speeding onto th... - Judge me not - Quotes Donut