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Julie Garwood

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Quotes by Julie Garwood
 I love historical romance, absolutely love it.... - Julie Garwood - Quotes Donut
 Nathan had just announced that come hell or high water,he was going to fix his f... - Julie Garwood - Quotes Donut
 I'm a doctor," she reminded him. “Nothing embarrasses me.”   “Yeah? So if I call... - Julie Garwood - Quotes Donut
 She nodded. Nick opened the door, but she paused on the threshold. "Noah? What's... - Julie Garwood - Quotes Donut
 One whisper, added to a thousand others, becomes a roar of discontent,... - Julie Garwood - Quotes Donut
 Douglas: You really got to stop doing that. Isabel: Doing what? Douglas: Getting... - Julie Garwood - Quotes Donut
 Lady Madelyne had sealed her own fate. She'd warmed his feet.... - Julie Garwood - Quotes Donut
 I'm wearing clothes in my thoughts and dreams though. What am I wearing in yours... - Julie Garwood - Quotes Donut
 He’s got places to go, people to see . . . ,... - Julie Garwood - Quotes Donut