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Kent McCord

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Quotes by Kent McCord
 I longed to fly. I was paid in flying lessons and, by the time I was 13, I'd... - Kent McCord - Quotes Donut
 I'll admit I wanted to be a pilot, originally.... - Kent McCord - Quotes Donut
 A policeman, as you discover, has to put up with a hell of a lot of abuse. A man... - Kent McCord - Quotes Donut
 Not only that - college doesn't particularly qualify you for the outside wor... - Kent McCord - Quotes Donut
 Instead, most colleges are studies in obsolescence.... - Kent McCord - Quotes Donut
 Well, I grew up in a tough neighborhood.... - Kent McCord - Quotes Donut
 Frequently parents forget that children are people. I don't try to treat Kri... - Kent McCord - Quotes Donut
 Meanwhile, Cynthia and I are busy fixing up a real old house that we just bought... - Kent McCord - Quotes Donut
 That first year at Universal was a big blur and, naturally, I thought they were ... - Kent McCord - Quotes Donut