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Lee Child

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Quotes by Lee Child
 No one expects a head butt. Humans don’t hit things with their heads. Some inbui... - Lee Child - Quotes Donut
 Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.... - Lee Child - Quotes Donut
 night... - Lee Child - Quotes Donut
 You do not mess with the special investigators.... - Lee Child - Quotes Donut
 I don’t know how much longer we can keep on doing it. It doesn’t feel like a job... - Lee Child - Quotes Donut
 were under the very erroneous impression that we had money. Of... - Lee Child - Quotes Donut
 They had come for us in the night. Hey had come expecting a lot of blood. They h... - Lee Child - Quotes Donut
 To be afraid of a survivable thing was irrational.... - Lee Child - Quotes Donut
 was a meticulous guy, right?... - Lee Child - Quotes Donut