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Lorna Landvik

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Quotes by Lorna Landvik the beginning God created light... to read by.... - Lorna Landvik - Quotes Donut
 When Wade brought you home, I thought, Now here's a girl with a little fire in h... - Lorna Landvik - Quotes Donut
 Not everything's funny, Mother." "No," said Leola, "so I guess when you can laug... - Lorna Landvik - Quotes Donut
 Honey, life can be a ballroom dance and it can be full of shit. Your job in both... - Lorna Landvik - Quotes Donut
 Books were her easiest friends. They demanded nothing from her but her attention... - Lorna Landvik - Quotes Donut
 A few years back, when I finally got smart enough to go to a therapist, she aske... - Lorna Landvik - Quotes Donut