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Marian Keyes

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Quotes by Marian Keyes
 No one can make us feel any way unless we let them.... - Marian Keyes - Quotes Donut
 The Chinese word for “crisis” also means “opportunity.... - Marian Keyes - Quotes Donut
 Minsk! How pissed-off that sounded! It was great. You could scare the bejayzus o... - Marian Keyes - Quotes Donut
 When I opened my case in the hotel, he gestured excitedly at my snakeskin sandal... - Marian Keyes - Quotes Donut
 No puedes hablar de amor hasta que las cosas vayan mal y consigas superarlas. El... - Marian Keyes - Quotes Donut
 I loved being in my own head so much, it was getting harder and harder being wit... - Marian Keyes - Quotes Donut
 I employ this thing I called The Shovel List.”   “A shovel..?”  “No, a shovel li... - Marian Keyes - Quotes Donut
 Reality had run and got Sanity.... - Marian Keyes - Quotes Donut
 Guilt is a self-indulgence.... - Marian Keyes - Quotes Donut