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Maryum Riaz

Quotes Donut Author

Quotes by Maryum Riaz
 Anneyong haseyo means hi in korean... - Maryum Riaz - Quotes Donut
 Life in one word is life nothing else... - Maryum Riaz - Quotes Donut
 Don't regret if you are too shy... - Maryum Riaz - Quotes Donut
 I am crying but only inside... - Maryum Riaz - Quotes Donut
 Remember, you can't control your emotions... - Maryum Riaz - Quotes Donut
 When you are sad people ask "Oh! Why are you sad, is everything okay?"
And when ... - Maryum Riaz - Quotes Donut
 Every religion believes in oneness of God some call it Allah, Shiva and some cal... - Maryum Riaz - Quotes Donut
 I don't agree that "Money cannot buy happiness" money can't buy permanent and lo... - Maryum Riaz - Quotes Donut
 The peaceful feeling that cannot be expressed when you fulfill someone wish as a... - Maryum Riaz - Quotes Donut