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Quotes by Mylija
 If you reach for the stars, if you fail, at least you land on a cloud.... - Mylija - Quotes Donut
 Promises and pie crusts were made to be broken.... - Mylija - Quotes Donut
 Trust is like a stone wall - If you drive a nail into it, the cracks will still ... - Mylija - Quotes Donut
 It's better to give yourself a warm blanket on a cold night, than give it to a s... - Mylija - Quotes Donut
 When someone tells you to expect the unexpected, slap them in the face and ask, ... - Mylija - Quotes Donut
 When life gives you lemons, squeeze them right back in life's eyes.... - Mylija - Quotes Donut
 If life is a rollercoaster, you might as well come out screaming, "No regrets!"... - Mylija - Quotes Donut