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Nick Clooney

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Quotes by Nick Clooney
 Conventional wisdom holds that setting a timetable for getting American troops o... - Nick Clooney - Quotes Donut
 Respect and affection for animals, particularly those who share our homes, recog... - Nick Clooney - Quotes Donut
 It is statesmanlike for the administration and Congress to look to our nation&#3... - Nick Clooney - Quotes Donut
 A salute from this corner to President Bush for saying he was willing to investi... - Nick Clooney - Quotes Donut
 We decided that how we react to and treat those fellow mortals, wild and domesti... - Nick Clooney - Quotes Donut
 America, the temple of invention and industry, doesn't make things anymore.... - Nick Clooney - Quotes Donut