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Norman Vincent Peale

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Quotes by Norman Vincent Peale
 If you face life with the sincere faith that through the aid of the Almighty you... - Norman Vincent Peale - Quotes Donut
 What the mind can conceive and believe, and the heart desire, you can achieve.... - Norman Vincent Peale - Quotes Donut
 إذا أجلت كل شيء إلى أن تتأكد منه فلن تنجز أي شيء... - Norman Vincent Peale - Quotes Donut
 Understanding can overcome any situation, however mysterious or insurmountable i... - Norman Vincent Peale - Quotes Donut
 :You Can overcome any obstacle. You can achieve the most tremendous things by fa... - Norman Vincent Peale - Quotes Donut
 If you want things to be different, perhaps the answer is to become different yo... - Norman Vincent Peale - Quotes Donut
 Tuhan memahami semua kesulitan, jadi bicarakanlah denganNya.... - Norman Vincent Peale - Quotes Donut
 Grasp a difficulty by the “blade” and it cuts; grasp it by the “handle” and you ... - Norman Vincent Peale - Quotes Donut
 Submit to God and be at peace with him; in this way prosperity will come to you.... - Norman Vincent Peale - Quotes Donut