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Penelope Lively

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Quotes by Penelope Lively
 It was as though she had some alter ego who told her she did not belong here. Bu... - Penelope Lively - Quotes Donut
 Gina has always regarded relationships as shifty business: count on nothing, not... - Penelope Lively - Quotes Donut
 …crying not in grief but in wonder that nothing is ever lost, that everything ca... - Penelope Lively - Quotes Donut
 Since then, I have just read and read - but, that said, I suppose there is a raf... - Penelope Lively - Quotes Donut
 Perhaps there is always something in our head that is ready to learn.... - Penelope Lively - Quotes Donut
 Thinks that it is a poor sort of life that has not known expectation, the pleasu... - Penelope Lively - Quotes Donut
 We make choices but are constantly foiled by happenstance.... - Penelope Lively - Quotes Donut
 like most people, they know one another inside out, and not at all.... - Penelope Lively - Quotes Donut
 And now I want to get yesterday down while I still have the awful taste of it... - Penelope Lively - Quotes Donut