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poonam tyagi

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Quotes by poonam tyagi
 Sometimes life play a game with you .but It doesn't mean you have rights to play... - poonam tyagi - Quotes Donut
 Life it's like a circle Because it's happen that  you do with other ,life give y... - poonam tyagi - Quotes Donut
 Search a happiness in small things , Because you can carry easily  .But  you can... - poonam tyagi - Quotes Donut
 Everyday give you a chance to do something for yourself .It is totally depend on... - poonam tyagi - Quotes Donut
 If you  stepping out in wrong time .So you will be pay to hard for that your ste... - poonam tyagi - Quotes Donut
 Time always teach us one thing .you know what 
We should be ready for every situ... - poonam tyagi - Quotes Donut