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Purnima Chandrasekhar

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Quotes by Purnima Chandrasekhar
 Love is about beating any situation that life throws at you.... a... - Purnima Chandrasekhar - Quotes Donut
 Words are my curtain to hide from what i feel inside...the hurt, the betrayal, t... - Purnima Chandrasekhar - Quotes Donut
 So you feel that numbing pain in your chest now,.that used to be feeling of love... - Purnima Chandrasekhar - Quotes Donut
 When you are given hurt as a gift as well as appreciation. When you are told tha... - Purnima Chandrasekhar - Quotes Donut
 Can you hear your heart beating when there is silence all around?
..that means y... - Purnima Chandrasekhar - Quotes Donut