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Qiu Xiaolong

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Quotes by Qiu Xiaolong
 Tripes, poumons, coeur de porc, etc., tout cela cuit à la vapeur avec du vin de ... - Qiu Xiaolong - Quotes Donut
 Mientras pensamos en el presente, se está convirtiendo en pasado.... - Qiu Xiaolong - Quotes Donut
 El cielo o el infierno están en nuestra cabeza, no en las cosas materiales que p... - Qiu Xiaolong - Quotes Donut
 if you memorize three hundred Tang poems, you might be able to write a little.... - Qiu Xiaolong - Quotes Donut
 If you work hard enough at something, it begins to make itself part of you, even... - Qiu Xiaolong - Quotes Donut
 The wind languished. The floral curtain ceased flapping. The moonlight streamed ... - Qiu Xiaolong - Quotes Donut