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Quotes by Ramya
 With raising age your ideas turns to compromises
Normal becomes emotional
Knowin... - Ramya - Quotes Donut
 I love you just more than before
     Less than the next se... - Ramya - Quotes Donut
 Cooking and serving for your loved ones always remains unconditional 
untill u e... - Ramya - Quotes Donut
 My Love....makes me to smile when u r beside me
                                ... - Ramya - Quotes Donut
Humanity... - Ramya - Quotes Donut
 Be something like... to make nothing into anything... - Ramya - Quotes Donut
 When u r incompatible with my values
                    Just Move on
          ... - Ramya - Quotes Donut
After going to bed and b4 i fell asleep
Something i miss beside me is u... - Ramya - Quotes Donut