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Robin McKinley

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Quotes by Robin McKinley
 Stay a little while longer, and let everyone congratulate you - including the on... - Robin McKinley - Quotes Donut
 Tiny fists can hurt quite a lot when they hit you in the face.... - Robin McKinley - Quotes Donut
 The sheep, I guess demented with love, didn't object to this at all. Casimir som... - Robin McKinley - Quotes Donut
 I’m your friend, Sunshine,” he said. “Everything else is just static on the line... - Robin McKinley - Quotes Donut
 Although when there were too many people around- which there certainly were toda... - Robin McKinley - Quotes Donut
 I give you a small serenity.... - Robin McKinley - Quotes Donut
 Tor said in a strangled voice, "He will apologize, or I'll give HIM a lesson in ... - Robin McKinley - Quotes Donut
 Those single-track military minds never think to ask their cleaning staff for he... - Robin McKinley - Quotes Donut
 The man paused and added with a grin, "He also wishes your porter's head on a si... - Robin McKinley - Quotes Donut