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Quotes by Sakshi
 Tu hai toh me hun
Tu hai toh me hun
Or hm hai to phir koi gum he nh hai
Tu hai v... - Sakshi - Quotes Donut
 Obstacles are the keys for long-term success.... - Sakshi - Quotes Donut
 It's better to like each other as a human rather than the number of fake relatio... - Sakshi - Quotes Donut
 Being best is the best not being best is the best for the rest so be the best an... - Sakshi - Quotes Donut
 Be the best when others pull your leg down its a best way of positive revenge... - Sakshi - Quotes Donut
 December is an emotion which brings lots of expectation of great possibilities a... - Sakshi - Quotes Donut
 Silence is the moment where lots of thoughts burst together to regain the power ... - Sakshi - Quotes Donut
 Try to be artificial for those who want you to artificial.... - Sakshi - Quotes Donut