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Quotes by Sangitaa
 "Meet me once
Or lose me forever"- 
Choice is yours?... - Sangitaa - Quotes Donut
 "No one your breaths--- full and pure."... - Sangitaa - Quotes Donut
 Don't believe your ears unless you see anything with your eyes. 
Once broken you... - Sangitaa - Quotes Donut
 I am done with the outer world; I need to dive into my inner world now.... - Sangitaa - Quotes Donut
 Money is a need. 
It can buy almost everything. Self-respect is an asset money c... - Sangitaa - Quotes Donut
 I thought the life I am living is my world. 
And its the only world but I was wr... - Sangitaa - Quotes Donut
 I am so naive; I rely on real expressions of face to understand and feel truth o... - Sangitaa - Quotes Donut
 I know not whether my life has a plan of good days or not, fantastic dreams or n... - Sangitaa - Quotes Donut
 When you fail you blame yourself. Instead of blaming yourself focus on the mista... - Sangitaa - Quotes Donut