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Sean Penn

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Quotes by Sean Penn
 My favorite thing to do is not act - it's that simple.... - Sean Penn - Quotes Donut
 The bottom line is, you love your wife, you do your best with that.... - Sean Penn - Quotes Donut
 I like to believe that love is a reciprocal thing, that it can't really be f... - Sean Penn - Quotes Donut
 There is no re-inventing the wheel.... - Sean Penn - Quotes Donut
 There are a few directors around who I have some excitement about spending my $7... - Sean Penn - Quotes Donut
 You try to do your best at what you're getting paid for.... - Sean Penn - Quotes Donut
 Well, look at all of these summer blockbusters. You can't help but laugh a l... - Sean Penn - Quotes Donut
 I'm not a breakfast eater.... - Sean Penn - Quotes Donut