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Swati Jha

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Quotes by Swati Jha
 Silence sometimes heals, Silence sometimes gives answer, Silence seems weak, tho... - Swati Jha - Quotes Donut
 Emotional traumas are wordless.... - Swati Jha - Quotes Donut
 It is not always about moving on or getting in a better place, sometimes it only... - Swati Jha - Quotes Donut
 The mob decided to glorify the assortment of fictions,
The reality was only reje... - Swati Jha - Quotes Donut
 I was not able to understand why my dreams were broken.
But then God answered me... - Swati Jha - Quotes Donut
 Replacing people for self need is easy,
But loving someone selflessly whole life... - Swati Jha - Quotes Donut
 Belonging is cosmic. State of emotions is restricted in human core dimensions. C... - Swati Jha - Quotes Donut
 Believe it. God is always there.... - Swati Jha - Quotes Donut
 Seek for the transcendent level of knowledge.... - Swati Jha - Quotes Donut