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Quotes by Tayyiba
 If you find happiness in helping others and keeping them happy, believe me you a... - Tayyiba - Quotes Donut
 we should keep silence because no one can understand our feelings by heart thats... - Tayyiba - Quotes Donut
 one thing will hurt you always 
1)Expectations                                  ... - Tayyiba - Quotes Donut
 A true friends is one who is always with you in every situation of life if they ... - Tayyiba - Quotes Donut
 Dont waste your truly feelings on selfish people beacause you are good by heart ... - Tayyiba - Quotes Donut
 smile is a best option to decrease anxiety so keep smiling and trust on yourself... - Tayyiba - Quotes Donut
 depression sadness loneliness is a part of life but we will seeing those people ... - Tayyiba - Quotes Donut