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Terence McKenna

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Quotes by Terence McKenna
 There is no mundane dimension really, if you have the eyes to see it, it is all ... - Terence McKenna - Quotes Donut
 You don't want to become so open minded that the wind whistles between your ears... - Terence McKenna - Quotes Donut
 Authority will lead you into ruin.... - Terence McKenna - Quotes Donut
 My voice speaking is a monkey's mouth making little mouth noises that are carryi... - Terence McKenna - Quotes Donut
 Nature is not mute; it is man who is deaf.... - Terence McKenna - Quotes Donut
 The real truth, that dare not speak itself, is that no one is in control. Absolu... - Terence McKenna - Quotes Donut
 Only psychos and shamans create their own reality... - Terence McKenna - Quotes Donut
 There's only the integrity of doing and having done.... - Terence McKenna - Quotes Donut
 The apocalypse is not something which is coming. The apocalypse has arrived in m... - Terence McKenna - Quotes Donut