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Tom Berenger

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Quotes by Tom Berenger
 I got to talking to an old actor, and he had a bunch of stories about the Rough ... - Tom Berenger - Quotes Donut
 I have family obligations and all that stuff. I get my kids six weeks in the sum... - Tom Berenger - Quotes Donut
 Take characters that Nicholson or De Niro play: they're not always tough.... - Tom Berenger - Quotes Donut
 I guess if I weren't an actor, I'd be a history professor.... - Tom Berenger - Quotes Donut
 While I was doing these plays in the beginning, I wasn't getting paid. I tho... - Tom Berenger - Quotes Donut
 I didn't know how to go about preparing for the part of someone who can'... - Tom Berenger - Quotes Donut