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Tracy Chevalier

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Quotes by Tracy Chevalier
 Warp threads are thicker than the weft, and made of a coarser wool as well. I th... - Tracy Chevalier - Quotes Donut
 Pieter would be pleased with the rest of the coins, the debt now settled. I woul... - Tracy Chevalier - Quotes Donut
 not of this world,... - Tracy Chevalier - Quotes Donut
 I felt as if my parents had pushed me into the street, that a deal had been made... - Tracy Chevalier - Quotes Donut
 That’s how fossil hunting is: It takes over, like a hunger, and nothing else mat... - Tracy Chevalier - Quotes Donut
 He saw things in a way that others did not, so that a city I had lived in all my... - Tracy Chevalier - Quotes Donut