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Tracy Kidder

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Quotes by Tracy Kidder
 The hardest thing was learning to write. I was 13, and the only writing I had do... - Tracy Kidder - Quotes Donut
 Some problems are easy to find and hard to fix; some are hard to find and easy t... - Tracy Kidder - Quotes Donut
 Things were here before you and will be here after you're gone. The geograph... - Tracy Kidder - Quotes Donut
 He sniffed, and said as others had before him and others no doubt would again, "... - Tracy Kidder - Quotes Donut
 You do the right thing even if it makes you feel bad. The purpose of life is not... - Tracy Kidder - Quotes Donut
 Si los oías sólo dos veces, los recuerdos de Lou podían parecer monótonos. Si lo... - Tracy Kidder - Quotes Donut