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Tsugumi Ohba

Quotes Managed by Quotes Donut

Quotes by Tsugumi Ohba
 There is no heaven or hell.  No matter what you do while you're alive, everybody... - Tsugumi Ohba - Quotes Donut
 You are just a murdered. (Near) (btw this was an epic win on near's part when li... - Tsugumi Ohba - Quotes Donut
 What a wonderful way to kill. (Misa)... - Tsugumi Ohba - Quotes Donut
 No one can tell what is righteous and what is wrong, what is good and what is ev... - Tsugumi Ohba - Quotes Donut
 The human who uses this note can go neither to heaven nor hell.... - Tsugumi Ohba - Quotes Donut
 The most intelligent people disguise the fact that they are intelligent. Wise me... - Tsugumi Ohba - Quotes Donut
 If I were to sit normally, my deductive skills will immediately be reduced by ro... - Tsugumi Ohba - Quotes Donut
 Justice will prevail!... - Tsugumi Ohba - Quotes Donut