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Will Rogers

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Quotes by Will Rogers
 We will never have true civilization until we have learned to recognize the righ... - Will Rogers - Quotes Donut
 Things ain't what they used to be and never were.... - Will Rogers - Quotes Donut
 Being a hero is about the shortest-lived profession on earth.... - Will Rogers - Quotes Donut
 The schools ain't what they used to be and never was.... - Will Rogers - Quotes Donut
 What the country needs is dirtier fingernails and cleaner minds.... - Will Rogers - Quotes Donut
 Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock.... - Will Rogers - Quotes Donut
 You've got to go out on a limb sometimes because that's where the fruit ... - Will Rogers - Quotes Donut
 There's no trick to being a humorist when you have the whole government work... - Will Rogers - Quotes Donut
 On account of being a democracy and run by the people, we are the only nation in... - Will Rogers - Quotes Donut