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William Westmoreland

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Quotes by William Westmoreland
 It became very clear that Hanoi was in effect strategically running the Viet Con... - William Westmoreland - Quotes Donut
 The last man in the world who should have been criticized was the American soldi... - William Westmoreland - Quotes Donut
 My wife was my greatest asset. I didn't marry her until after World War II, ... - William Westmoreland - Quotes Donut
 The Vietnam memorial is a masterpiece. The names of the dead are listed there, c... - William Westmoreland - Quotes Donut
 The military lead turbulent lives, but they are people like everybody else.... - William Westmoreland - Quotes Donut
 I don't think I have been loved by my troops, but I think I have been respec... - William Westmoreland - Quotes Donut