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Ajide Wasiu

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Quotes by Ajide Wasiu
 Do you ever see a learner drive Ferrari before, things are not equal just mind y... - Ajide Wasiu - Quotes Donut
 Some problem hard to solve even more than mathematics... - Ajide Wasiu - Quotes Donut
 It's better to remain single than to choose unpleasant relationship... - Ajide Wasiu - Quotes Donut
 Your talent it very wide than your knowledge... - Ajide Wasiu - Quotes Donut
 If you don't value what you have, you will keep losing what you have already gai... - Ajide Wasiu - Quotes Donut
 "Do not compare your life with someone else if you need peace of mind.... - Ajide Wasiu - Quotes Donut
 Never interrupt if you can not interpret the best way to the success.... - Ajide Wasiu - Quotes Donut