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Eeman Akram

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Quotes by Eeman Akram
 Your dreams keep you from clinging to the depths of desperation... - Eeman Akram - Quotes Donut
 Life is just like a diary; the first day and the first page is always planned we... - Eeman Akram - Quotes Donut
 At times, precious things are unseen because of the brightness around.... - Eeman Akram - Quotes Donut
 Giving up is easy, but only for that reason you have not been suffering for so l... - Eeman Akram - Quotes Donut
 The best is a dark night with heavy rain and thunder sound. It all makes it perf... - Eeman Akram - Quotes Donut
 In the world where everyone is Fake, how can it be possible that Love isn’t.... - Eeman Akram - Quotes Donut
 Sky, wider enough to express the feelings and a heart big enough to keep them al... - Eeman Akram - Quotes Donut
 If the words don’t come from within a soul itself, they aren’t worth to be share... - Eeman Akram - Quotes Donut
 Stupid people exist, but we are who made them stupid at the first place.... - Eeman Akram - Quotes Donut