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Quotes by Emee
 Dear future lover, whoever and wherever you are, whenever we meet, let me explai... - Emee - Quotes Donut
 Trust and love aren't mutually exclusive. If one doesn't exsist, the other is pr... - Emee - Quotes Donut
 Observing is often better than jumping right in and making a mess out of things,... - Emee - Quotes Donut
 Why does the society care so much about labels such as "relationship", "marriage... - Emee - Quotes Donut
 Imagining slow and gentle touches, those which make one shiver in pleasure and s... - Emee - Quotes Donut
 You're not anyone's punching bag. As soon as they start treating you like that, ... - Emee - Quotes Donut
 Sarcasm may not save the world, but it can surely keep you out of jail!... - Emee - Quotes Donut
 When the world starts making no sense, turn the music up, create a world of your... - Emee - Quotes Donut
 Convert jealousy of others into loving and respecting yourself. Don't be wastefu... - Emee - Quotes Donut