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Mischa Kelvin

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Quotes by Mischa Kelvin
 "We lived in two different worlds and two different lives.
But in our difference... - Mischa Kelvin - Quotes Donut
 "Love is like a war.
Easy to begin with.
But difficult to stop."

Title: Deal or... - Mischa Kelvin - Quotes Donut
 "Run as fast as you can. But who will you choose? You want to save the world or ... - Mischa Kelvin - Quotes Donut
 "Love is like a puzzle. You need to find every piece of a puzzle to get the whol... - Mischa Kelvin - Quotes Donut
 "Violence is my world.
Chaos is my companion.
Bloody hands is my safe haven.
Unt... - Mischa Kelvin - Quotes Donut