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Quotes by Olanrewajuj
 Coulomb's law of affection:
  The force of attraction between any two lovers is ... - Olanrewajuj - Quotes Donut
 Every old rag was once a new dress, every fowl was once an egg, every yesterday ... - Olanrewajuj - Quotes Donut
 Taking a lady as an idol while she is merely taking you as a model is like going... - Olanrewajuj - Quotes Donut
 Every forest desires to keep its beautiful trees for long, but man and nature wi... - Olanrewajuj - Quotes Donut
 The best use of time is to invest it in the matters concerning eternity, its wor... - Olanrewajuj - Quotes Donut
 Every law has its domain of validity, every principle has its area of applicatio... - Olanrewajuj - Quotes Donut
 My best!
My best is yet to come;
The rest will continue to be the next;
The next... - Olanrewajuj - Quotes Donut