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Rasha Najwa

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Quotes by Rasha Najwa
The hub where
Prayers of hope,
Smiles of satisfaction,
Tears of demise,... - Rasha Najwa - Quotes Donut
 Cultivate yourselves to acquire robust wings to fly voluntarily in the evolving ... - Rasha Najwa - Quotes Donut
The period when my boots suffered from fungus while I suffered from a vi... - Rasha Najwa - Quotes Donut
Abandon it in its orbit, and walk against it.... - Rasha Najwa - Quotes Donut
The one brings sunshine in his presence
And dullness in his absence.... - Rasha Najwa - Quotes Donut
 Go ahead even if society condemns your determinations; they never crave your adv... - Rasha Najwa - Quotes Donut
 For me, Maturity is like the word 'Tomorrow', which is on its way but never reac... - Rasha Najwa - Quotes Donut