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Nidhi Jain

Quotes Donut Author

Quotes by Nidhi Jain
 "Down & Up"
I was disappointed with the thought 
Genuine love and sensible roman... - Nidhi Jain - Quotes Donut
 Rewarded genius have Ability 
Persistence take them up there 
And with character... - Nidhi Jain - Quotes Donut
 Helping fellow human being is duty not charity.  
~ Babuji... - Nidhi Jain - Quotes Donut
 Cursing and complaining make the situation worse however prayers do the wonders.... - Nidhi Jain - Quotes Donut
 It's okay to have flaws,
Even metals need impurities to survive.... - Nidhi Jain - Quotes Donut
 High reputation doesn't mean High in worth always.  
No 1 may be High however wo... - Nidhi Jain - Quotes Donut
 Children and trees grow as much as you allow them to.... - Nidhi Jain - Quotes Donut
 Dare to follow your heart
Rest will be taken care of .... - Nidhi Jain - Quotes Donut
 Solve the questions for others and you will get the answers for yourself too. 
.... - Nidhi Jain - Quotes Donut