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Quotes by Troyoshi
 People love to being alone 
Just because to be with them
Whom they love in imagi... - Troyoshi - Quotes Donut
 Prepare yourself for any hardwork 
Becstause the success is in the 
most High fl... - Troyoshi - Quotes Donut
 Life is all about 
To run, sit, walk 
Just for a love... - Troyoshi - Quotes Donut
 Connect your soul with 
Your Life Activities 
So that your innocent soul
At leas... - Troyoshi - Quotes Donut
 Be kind to everyone
Because you don't know
Who will you be with in Paradise... - Troyoshi - Quotes Donut
 The more you see
More you love 
The more you know 
More you love
The More you le... - Troyoshi - Quotes Donut
 If you can't get something 
Help someone to get it
It will be your honest succes... - Troyoshi - Quotes Donut
 If you feel the next path hard 
Then look back and think 
All these Path you cro... - Troyoshi - Quotes Donut
 There are two kinds of lovers
The one who loves her lover
The other one who
Love... - Troyoshi - Quotes Donut